TITLE: Triumvirate of Evil

AUTHOR: Hollywood V

DATE: Wednesday, 11-Nov-98 21:55:06


Chapter 1: Evil, ain’t it fun?


A peaceful calm descends on the BZL. Across the land, life and love reign supreme. Birds chirp, plant life grows, the sky radiates with the soft glow of sunlight diffusing over masses of clouds.

But a darkness is encroaching upon this paradise. A great evil threatens to claim the utopia of the BZL for it’s own, threatens to corrupt it’s very essence. But what, no man nor woman knows.

The thunderous storms clouds roll in, and the ground is pelted with the searing touch of burning rain. Leaves wither and creatures squeal under it’s fiery touch. It’s cause is not natural, but whom can it be accounted to?

A shaft of midnight black lightning shatters through the facade of inky black cloud, impacting on the ground and throwing the brush and scrub into chaos.

Smoke rises from the crater left in its wake, and an eerie silence settles over the charred soil and rock.

A solitary figure stooped over as if in pain steps forward slowly, and followed by a tall, lanky figure, a sword hitched at his hip. Coming to a sudden stop, they turn back as if to beckon the storm to follow...

Finally, a silhouette rises from the ashes, favoring one leg generously, leaning for support on a gnarled cane.

The man with the cane brushes soot from his arms, and sighs half-heartedly, "Remind me to never listen to YOU again."

The stooped figure snarled in anger, pointing a crooked finger in the other’s direction, "When you find a better way, be sure to send it to yesterday, bright boy."

"This is getting us nowhere," the final man stated, grabbing his sword by the hilt and polishing it on with his gloved hand, "and we have a goal, friends, or have you all forgotten that easily?"

The second man sneered, "Always the peacekeeper, eh?"

The swordsman began to laugh, but the was cut off abruptly. Whipping his staff into the air, the first man knocked his sword out from his palm, sending it into flight, twisting, twirling, shimmering in the air. With a turn of the hand, it was frozen in place, a facet of time locked in place, "Let’s get down to business then, shall we?" The others nodded in agreement. "We’re all here for one reason. Zemo’s Lair is the nexus of all negative power in the multiverse, and thusly it is our right to wield it. It’s our destiny. We all know the plan, so let’s get down to business!"

With another gesture, the sword veered violently downward, slicing deep into the ground, lodging itself in the earth mere feet before the trio.

The hunched man pulled back his hood, and the others followed suit. Beneath the cover of shadow, Jam’s sadistic grin was revealed, "Well, well, so it looks like the poor fools are in for it now."

The arrogant swordsman retrieved his weapon of war and stared at his reflection in its surface. Paste Pot Pete stared back, "They’ll never know what hit them. Hell, I almost pity them."

Finally, the last cloaked figure smiled malevolently, watching the light play off his staff, dancing in the darkness. Regaining control over his increasingly unpredictable emotions, he turned his face upwards and Hollywood V couldn’t help but grin once more, "Those smug BZLers, if only they knew that their lives as they knew it are about to end. It was would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic."

And as the dark clouds culminate over the countryside, the rains pours down once more, in sheets as if to join the attack.

And somewhere, hiding in the deepest recesses of the onslaught, a ray of light breaches the wall. Fighting to free its compatriots, the darkness envelopes it once more.


Chapter 2



Jarvis hummed a merry toon as he walked jauntily down a weaving path, his destination, the BZL. Admiring the sun above, Jarvis stumbled over a root which protruded from the soil at his feet. His feet failing underneath him, Jarvis shot out an arm to break his fall. Jarvis gasped with exasperation when he hit the ground, the wind knocked from his lungs, and the contents of his napsack strewn about the ground.

Slowly getting to one knee, and hefting himself to his feet, Jarvis brushed the dust and dirt from his pants.

A moment’s distraction was all that was needed.

Jarvis, didn’t see it as much as felt it. A flash of steel, and the cold, hard butt of steel thudding into the back of his skull knocked him unconscious.

Grabbed by his feet, Jarvis disappeared into the growth of the forest surrounding him.



(i’d describe the setting, but I don’t know what the BZL is supposed to look like)

spiffy and Fin Fang Foom opened the refridgerator door, searching intently for...well that would spoil the fun, wouldn’t it now?

FFF was frantic, "What? But I only bought it yesterday! It can’t already be gone! Aarrggh!"

spiffy slammed the door shut and proceeded to kick it repeatedly, as if to force an answer from the inanimate object, "Damn that Lisa, out of Cool Whip again!!"

"I didn’t just hear my name, did I?"

spiffy and FFF quickly started opening cupboards, perhaps out of nervousness, or in an attempt to fool the advocatrix. It was a fruitless endeavor.

Lisa shot spiffy a malicious glare and he cringed, his eye twitching with a nervous tick. He wouldn’t admit it, but Lisa terrified him.

"O-Of course, no-not!" he stammered, grabbing a grapefruit in an attempt to alieviate the tension.

FFF began to sweat under Lisa’s stare. He couldn’t take it anymore.

With a vicious scream he burned away the roof and flew skyward.

She was enjoying every minute of it. She wouldn’t admit it, but Lisa loved the kind of power she seemed to exert over her fellow, umm, lair...uh, lairlings!

Laughing softly to herself, she didn’t see what would come next.

An iron rod like structure hit swept her legs out from underneath. Hitting the ground with a thud, she barely had time to open her eyes when bands of rock grew from the very ground to lock her in place. Enveloping her in an airtight coccoon of stone, she should have been suffocating. Her attackers were either inept or ingenius.

What happened next, she couldn’t be sure. spiffy screamed in terror and the ground rumbled beneath her, but that was the end of it. Lisa quietly waited for the some sign, anything at all.

Trapped in her earthen cell, it would never come...



Evening ascended on the Lair, and Zemo watched the storm which had begun hours earlier rage on with a renewed fury. It was getting darker still, and he could feel the heat it radiated with even when out of its reach.

Zemo was afraid. The rain wasn’t unusual, but that it should burn to the touch and have such an adverse effect on the all life worried him. The plants browned and shriveled, the bark was stripped from trees, and moisture poured from stems and trunks alike, merging into rivers of their life essence blood.

Yes, Zemo was afraid.

"Beautiful, isn’t it?"

Zemo wheeled about in shock. "Who? Wha? Wha...What are YOU doing here?"

Hollywood V took one step forward and leaned against an open doorway, his features relaxed and eyes set on Zemo’s cowl. "Isn’t it painfully obvious nit-wit? Or has your time ruling over the weak of mind, body, and spirit drained you of your warrior’s soul?" HV sighed, his expression quickly turning suit within a split-second and a grin plastered across his face. "Good bye Zemo, I’ll miss your childish antics..."

HV raised his staff above his head, pursing his lips and furrowing his brow in concentration. Dark energies, twisting funnels of black, and sparks of pure night furrelled around the orb mounted on his staff. HV brought it down in an arc and pointed it directly at the chest of Zemo.

A spinning disk flew at HV’s head, and he had mere moments to drop to all fours and evade the projectile. His power rechannelled, his cloak flying behind him, HV ducked and swung his staff wildly. Frozen in place, inches from his face, was Jarvis’ hat.

Jarvis stepped out from his cover in behind a tree, rainsoaked but none the worse for wear. He nodded and looked behind HV’s back. Lisa had arrived as well.

Zemo sputtered, "Lisa! We saw the damage in the kitchen, we thought something terrible had happened! Jarv! I thought you were on vacation?!"

Jarvis cocked one eyebrow, "Plans change Zemo. Besides, I had seen HV on my journeys out and about, and I thought something may be up."

Zemo clapped Jarvis on the back, "Well thanks for the save old friends, now we can take out this piece of garbage once and for all!"

Jarvis grabbed Zemo’s wrist and threw him violently to the ground. "Oh, yes. But you see," Jarvis explained, pulling a glimmering sword blade from the bag he carried, "you have it backwards, Zemo. You’re the one we’re here to ‘take out’ as you so eloquently put it. Good bye, Herr Baron."

Raising the blade above his head, Jarvis brought his blade down like a mighty cleaver on Zemo’s chest.


To be continued?