TITLE: A Fable for Yo: Part 1

AUTHOR: Visionary

DATE: Monday, 02-Nov-98 12:02:20


"Are you sure we should be here?" Visionary asked nervously, as he looked around NTU’s laboratory. He had to admit, it was an impressive set up. An elaborate system of beakers, tubes and Bunsen burners covered the huge table against the far wall, lightning arched from twin Van de Graaff generators in the center of the room, and all manner of gadgets covered every other work surface.

"Relax, would ya?" Lisa said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I promised him I’d water his plants while he was away. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind that I brought you two along."

"What does this do for one, I wonder." Yo said, looking at an elaborate Kirby-esque mainframe. He flipped a switch on the console.

"Uh... maybe you’d better not..." Visionary began. He was cut off as the machine hummed to life. A small radar dish popped out of the top and slowly spun in a complete circle. Visionary felt a cold chill as it swept past him, but the dish ultimately centered on Yo. An intense beam of light shot out of the dish to shine on Yo’s forehead. After a few moments, Yo began to glow.

Finally too bright to look at directly, he melded with the beam and disappeared back inside the radar dish with an electric shlirp.

"Well, that was unexpected." Lisa said, dropping her watering can. She looked closely at the mainframe. "Yo?" she asked, tapping on its computer screen. "Hey, Yo! You in there?"

Suddenly, Yo’s smiling face appeared on screen. "Hello." he said calmly. "I know now what this does."

"Er, yes, well ...that’s great Yo." Visionary said, trying to sound calm. "Why don’t you come out and explain it to us?"

"No need." Yo answered. "I can explain right from here. It is a Happy Place conduit."

"Umm... okay." Visionary answered.

"Ah, I know what he means!" Lisa said. "NTU was working on a way to access the happy place without undergoing severe stress. This machine must be an artificial link between the Happy Place and the Parodyverse." She looked at Yo on the screen. "How are things there?"

Yo looked around and sighed. "No bunnies still." he said sadly. "It needs bunnies and other woodland friends."

Suddenly, the machine began humming again. A different probe rose from the top of the machine and started to spin. "Scanning for compatible life forms" a computer voice said. A shimmering purple light swept through the room and, unknown to Lisa and Visionary, through the entire Parodyverse. The machine noted every poster to Baron Zemo’s Lair. "Matches found." it said, lowering back into the mainframe. Suddenly, an intense wave of energy swept from the machine. There wasn’t even time to scream.


Visionary woke with a staggering headache. Groaning, he rolled to his feet, holding his throbbing head in his paws. Something didn’t seem quite right. For one, the room seemed to loom above him, with the table-tops far overhead.

Secondly, he was surrounded by a great deal of material which appeared to be his own clothes. Realizing that being nude in the same room as Lisa was definitely against the rules that Cheryl had been drilling into his head ever since they moved here, he quickly glanced down at his body. This is when he noticed yet another oddity: He had a significant amount of additional hair.

"How’s it going, ferret-face?" A gigantic bunny asked, jumping in front of him.

"Aaaaaauuuugh!" Visionary screamed. He tried to run, but the bunny grabbed him by the tail.

"Whoa! Hold on! It’s me, Lisa!" she said. She let go of his tail, and Visionary scampered to a safe distance then held his ground.

"What the hell is this!" He screamed, looking at his reflection in the polished metal casing of the mainframe. "I’m a #*&%ing weasel!!!"

"So? Some of my closest colleagues are weasels." Lisa said with a bunny grin. "Sorry, old lawyer joke. You look more like a ferret, maybe even a Black-footed ferret. They’re endangered, you know."

"What happened?!" Ferret Visionary asked.

"Well, I’m no scientist..." Bunny Lisa began, "but I’d say the machine went a bit wonky." She chewed absently on the hair of her left ear. "My only guess is that bridging the gap between the Happy Place and the Parodyverse with a guy made of Pure Thought Energy might have been a mistake." She hopped over to Visionary, and admired her own reflection. "The bigger question now is—How do we undo it?"

Visionary got a speculative look on his weaselly face. "Visionary—

Maximize!" he said dramatically. He paused while nothing happened.

"Er... Terrorize?" Still nada.

Lisa was giving him an impatient look. "Are you quite through?"

"It was worth a try..." he answered sheepishly. He quickly scurried up the mainframe to the computer screen. "Yo?" He jumped up and down on the keyboard. "YO! Where are you!?!" The screen stayed dark. "Swell" he muttered bitterly, his whiskers twitching in irritation. He slid down the machine’s casing.

"No luck, eh?" Lisa asked. She looked at her reflection once again.

"Damn, I wish I had read ‘Watership Down’."

Visionary looked at himself as well. "Do ya suppose I could be a mongoose? That’d be pretty cool."

Lisa shrugged. "A weasel’s a weasel." Her nose wrinkled in irritation. "I suppose we’ll have to get to Jarvis. He’ll be able to think of something, if he can recognize us, that is." As she mentioned Jarvis, her hind leg began to thump the floor rapidly.

"What’s up with that?" Visionary asked, pointing a claw.

"How the hell should I know? I’ve never been a bunny before."

Suddenly a rapid beeping came from Visionary’s pile of clothes. Skittering over to them, he sorted through his pockets until he pulled his Regulars communi-card. He hopped on the ‘call’ button and the two-way video-phone that NTU had installed in every card came on.

"What, exactly, have you done now, dear?" A slightly perturbed owl asked.

"Why do you think I did this?" Visionary asked his wife indignantly. (When you’ve been married for a while, you can recognize your spouse’s mannerisms, even with little things like transmogrification in the way. Cheryl, in fact, made a rather cute fluffy white-feathered owl). "I’m not the only one who causes these things, you know!"

"So you don’t know what’s happened? Cheryl the Owl asked. "You’re not involved?".

"Er... well..." Visionary said evasively. "It’s still not my fault!"




TITLE: A Fable for Yo: Part 2

AUTHOR: Jarvis

DATE: Monday, 02-Nov-98 20:58:20


Jarvis: I’m a golden retriever.

Veasel: Um, that is true.

Lunny: ooohhhh...what a cute doggy you make Jarvis!

Jarven Retriever: I’m a FREAKIN’ DOG!!!!

Veasel: Um...maybe we should just calm down...


Fin Fang Foom: At least I wasn’t affected, being a dragon.

Dark Cow: Oh yeah? Transform into human form.

Fin Fang Foom: Um...NO!

Jarven Retriever: DO IT!!!

Fin Fang Fish: There, HAPPY? Now let me transform back,before I suffocate.

Shaper of Turtles: Does anyone else REALLY wanna see what Zemo got turned into?

Jarven Retriever: To Zemo’s office!

Baron Zemo: GO AWAY!!!

Lunny: Aw, come on, Zemo ,show us! It can’t be THAT bad!

Baron Zemo: Well...okay...


Emerging from Zemo’s office was a Large White Pig.


Jarvis: .……….

Lisa: .……….

SOW: .……….

Visionary: .……….

spiffy: . ……….

DK: .……….

FFF: .……….


Baron Porcine: You will DIE for this, Yo!!!




TITLE: Fable for Yo: Part 3

AUTHOR: Visionary

DATE: Tuesday, 03-Nov-98 15:38:27



"Evil!!!!" Jarven Retriever barked, charging the base of the tree.

"Foul Creature! Begone!!!"

"Gaaaah!!!" the squirrel replied. "It’s just me! Starseed!"

"Hmmmm? Oh, sorry about that..." Jarven replied. "Instincts you know."

"If you two are through playing..." Baron Porcine snorted, "then perhaps we can move on with our adj... adjen... adjend... our things to do."

"Ha!" laughed spiffy. "Say ‘Baa Ram Ewe’..."

"Don’t m-m-make me airmail you to Richard G-g-gere." Zemo threatened.

"What? I’m a Ginea pig!" spiffy replied. "You’re thinking of Gerbils. Jeez, how big do you think Richard Gere’s..."

"Let’s just stop that thought right there." Cherowl replied.

"Well, look Whooooo’s talking!" Space Rat snickered from behind her. Cherowl rotated her head 180 degrees to glare at him. "Gah!" the rodent exclaimed. "I hate it when you do that!"

"Zemo is right." Jarvis said. "Let’s get on with this. We know Yo is somehow responsible for our transformations, so our first step should be finding him. I suggest we split up to cover more ground."

"Er... are you sure you want to send Lunny off by herself?" Starsquirrel asked as he came down from the tree. "I mean, there may be more rabbits out there..."

"So?" Jarvis asked.

"Well, did you ever see that episode of Star Trek, the one with the Tribbles? I mean, Lisa had 6 kids at once as a human, now that she’s a rabbit..."

"Hmmmm... You may have a point." Jarvis glanced over to where Lunny was arguing with Pegaduck.

"Duck Season!" Lunny declaired.

"Wabbit Season!" Pegaduck shot back.

"Are you sure that Yo could fix this anyway?" Veasel asked Jarvis. "After all, he’s kinda confused as it is..." He shot a glance at Dark Cow.

"What?" DC asked.

"Well... You’re a COW. First of all, that’s not exactly a ‘woodland friend’ as Yo called said."

"So? Neither is a pig. Or a fish."

"Yes... uhm... but then there’s your udder..."

Dark Cow froze as the implications filtered through his mind. "I think..." he said in a dangerously quiet voice, "that somebody’s got to have a long talk with Yo about gender differences when this is all over." He(?) glared at everyone. "Now let’s never mention this again."

"Anyway..." Jarvis said, changing the subject. "I think we’d better find Yo. If we can’t, we’ll have to wait for NTU to return and see what he can do. Everyone pair up, spread out and follow your noses."

"Hooray!" spiffy cried, jumping on Baron Porcine’s back. "Truffles for everyone!"

"Be still your impude... impudent tong... impudent tongu... Just shut the hell up!!!!"




TITLE: Fable for Yo: Part 4


DATE: Tuesday, 03-Nov-98 13:39:58


The doors to NTU’s lab suddenly whir and come to life. The gigantic metal panels immediately swish to the side, revealing NTU-150, wearing (strangely enough) shades over his helmet and a towel over his shoulder.


NTU-150: Man, the beach was great! And the Deep Sea Armor performed well during the initial tests. Ah, but it’s great to be home! Huh, what’s this?


Jarvis suddenly peeps from behind the door.


Jarvis: What? Hey, NTU’s back! All right!

Lisa: Jarvie? Why is your tail wagging like that? We finished our little cross-breeding experiment an hour ago!

Jarvis: It’s NTU! He’s back from the beach! Now he can figure out how to put his fandangled machine in reverse and change us all back into our former selves!

Lisa: But I loved doing it doggie style!

Jarvis: Just call in everyone. I’ll get NTU’s attention.


Soon, everyone has assembled in NTU’s lab. Visionary explains the entire incident to NTU.


NTU-150: I can’t believe it! This...this is awful! How could this happen?

Visionary: I’m sorry. It’s just that Yo was so curious...

NTU-150: How could you...how could you not water my plants!!!

Visionary: Uh...

NTU-150: Look! My bouganvillas are drying up!

Jarvis: Will you forget the damn plants! Look at us!

Zemo: If you do not return us to our normal states this instant, I will...

Dark Knight: …stink him to death, Porky? A-dee-dee A-dee-dee...

Zemo: Silence, fool! When we revert to normal I shall take you by the neck and...

Dark Knight: Ahhh... *squirts Zemo with milk*

NTU-150: Calm down, everyone! I don’t really understand how the Happy Place Destressalizer Transport 400 malfunctioned, but I have a feeling that it does have something to do with Yo’s essence. I never really did understand Yo’s being and thus I couldn’t calibrate the machine properly to handle him. But if I just reset the machine....


NTU presses the reset button on the HPDT 400. Suddenly, the machine starts giving off sparks. Everyone in the room covers their eyes as the machine’s radar digitizer gives off a great flash. After a few seconds, everyone in the room opens their eyes to see the familiar forms of their comrades.


spiffy: Well,I see Lisa is back to normal. So are Visionary and Jarvis. I guess everyone’s back to normal.

Visionary: You can say that again, DK.

spiffy: What? I’m spiffy, Finny, not DK.

Visionary: And I’m not Finny...

Jarvis: Oh no! We’ve all been switched!!! I’m in spiffy’s body!

Zemo: Arrrggh! I...I have breasts! And I’m a blonde!

Visionary: But...if you’ve got Cheryl’s body, then whose body does she...


Visionary’s words are cut short by a barrage of Coolwhip that fills his mouth.


Cheryl: What the...this thing’s loaded.

Lisa: I have Jarvis’ body!!! Now I can have fun all by myself!!!

NTU-150: Hmmm... interesting. Now I can finally do those tests on Yo’s physical structure. Although, now I...don’t...know ...my own...gender... I’d better fire up the HPDT 400 quick!




TITLE: Fable for Yo: Part 5

AUTHOR: Baron Zemo

DATE: Tuesday, 03-Nov-98 15:21:27


Jarvis: I want out of this body!

Zemo: Who the Hell is in my body?!

Starseed: I am Baron!

Zemo: Stand still. I’m going to switch back into my body and transport you into Cheryl’s.

spiffy: (Jarvis actually) Ya right! And how to you intetnd to do that?

Zemo: Just watch me!


There is a flash and then...


Zemo: HA! It worked! Yay! I’m in my old body again! This tiara never felt better!

Starseed: AHHHH!!!! I have breasts! How did you do this Zemo?

Zemo: I’m the moderator you idiot! I have unlimiited cosmic power! Mind switching is one of many of those ‘powers.’

Jarvis: (in spiffy’s body) How come I’ve never seen you use those powers ever before then?

Zemo: I don’t know. I like to keep them secret.

Jarvis: Even when your getting the crap kicked out of you?

Zemo: What kind of life would I have if I used my powers for everything? A pretty darn boring one! When I get beet up by some foe I allow them to do it! Where would be the fun in banning them?

Jarvis: How could you use the power if you were in a different body?

Zemo: The power’s in my mind! Only I can control it!

Vizh: Great! Can you change us back now?

Zemo: Change you back?! Are you serious?! I’m not going to change any of you back! I don’t help people who doubt my power! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a world to dominate.

Lisa: Can’t you just use your powers?

Zemo: What for? Theres no challenge if I do it that way. Plus I want a chance to test out my new Kids WB gun.....people will never look at the frog the same way again...

Lisa: Thanks a lot Jarvis!

Everyone: YA!!! THANKS A LOT!!!




TITLE: A Fable for Yo: Part 6


DATE: Monday, 09-Nov-98 13:31:32


After a long bored time inside a computer, Yo has reached The Happy Places without any stress thanks The clever NTU-150 and his new machine. More than 5 minutes later…


Yo: *grinning* It’s good to be here at the happy place, but I really miss my friends. Perhaps I can stop playing with the few bunnies that there are here and try to quit. Uufff. I think I’ve being hitting too much the Happy Sauce. Jarvis was right, a bit it's good, but more than a bit is bad. And in the happy place is not Lisa. I feel I need more friends here.

Yi: *happily* Hello, What is you?

Yo: Aghhhhhhh!!!!!

Yi: * more happily* Funny name. I’m Yi from the Yi planet.

Yo: Are you a genderless being?. Not to be too curious but NTU cares about this little things.

Yi: Of course, I'm. Everybody on Yi planet are genderless pure thought beings.

Yo: Not so common on BZB planet.

Yi: *grinning* really?

Yo: You like bunnies?. Bunnies so cute.

Yi: Well, I’d rather like cute little bears.

Yo: It’d be great to have them at the happy place and inside the Lair. But Ntu-150 has forbidden me to bring them. He muttered something about already too dammit funnies species. Why are you here?

Yi: For relax. I come here a lot of time but when all of you are here I’m invisible. All of you are so noises. And You?

Yo: I guess my friends have forgotten me. Yo did something bad and at the end Yo was here. Yo miss his friends. Yo miss Lisa toys. Yo miss Big Banjooooo and little spiffy. And Yo miss Visi’s funnies stuff not to talk about scaring mimes tales or DK and FFF amazing prose. Indeed, I miss Zemo’s BLAMMMs too and Jarvi’s…

Yi: Ok, Ok, I make the picture. But, You of course know you can call them.

Yo: Really?.

Yi: Aghh!!. Come on being!!. Why are you made of pure though if not to call them with the power of your mind??

Yo: It looks right !!!. I’ll try it. Here is Yo calling LL, here is Yo calling…, please respond, someone..pleaseeeeeeeeeee respond!!!.




TITLE: Fable for Yo: Part 7


DATE: Tuesday, 10-Nov-98 23:10:54


At NTU-150’s laboratory...


Jarvis: Are you sure this will put us back into our old bodies?

NTU: Sure it will! I’m surprised I never thought of this before!

Jarvis: You do realize that no one has ever crossed the red wires and the green wires before. Especially in the subject box.

NTU: Relax! I asked Cheryl and she said that theoretically, no explosions will can happen from crossing the two colors.

Jarvis: The key word being "theoretically."

NTU: Well, here goes...




NTU: Well, at least we didn’t explode...

Jarvis: But we’re all green and red!!!

NTU: Hey, at least we’ll be fashionable in a month’s time!

Jarvis: *just glares at NTU*

NTU: All right! I’m uncrossing the wires...

Lisa: Hey, Jarvie, look! *Sings* Taste the rainbow of fruit flavors!

Jarvis: Uhhhh...maybe you could...

NTU: Uncross the wires later?

Jarvis: Yeah.

NTU: Sure.