Tales of the Parodyverse

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Fri Dec 17, 2004 at 05:24:43 am EST

Breaking the Fourth Wall, Buddy Baker Style: A Hellraisers Ascendant Tie-In Tale
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(A Tie-In to Untold Tales of the Lair Legion #196: Awkward Corners, or The Twist in the Untold Tale)

Right now, Dreamcatcher Kokopelli Foxglove is standing all alone in an endless expanse of blackness, looking around him and wondering how the hell he got wherever the hell he is at the moment.

At first, he can't see anything but himself, clad as he is in his luminous Silly Suit, but after a short while, his eyes seem to adjust to the otherwise unbroken darkness enough that he's able to discern what looks like a faint source of light in the distance.

Lacking any other clues as to his whereabouts, the dazed and disoriented CrazySugarFreakBoy! wanders cautiously toward the general direction of the strangely familiar patch of glowing green, which he's soon able to distinguish as being a loosely-spaced column of text that's slowly scrolling upward, although he's not quite able to pinpoint precisely where it is that the text originates from at the bottom, nor where exactly it disappears to at the top.

As he draws closer to the scrolling column of text, he recognizes both the color and the face of the font as his own characteristic choices of neon lime green and Comic Sans MS, except that all of the text is, from his point of view, printed backward.

He's near enough to the text now that he could practically press his nose against it, and as he squints his eyes and feels his pupils dilating even further, he realizes that there's something behind the text, still a bit too muddled and murky to make out just yet, but it's there nonetheless, he's definitely sure of that.

"Hey," Dream says to no one in particular, and blinks with surprise when he glances at the text and sees that his words and movements have been transcribed into the text itself, his thoughts and actions appearing in reverse-printed neon lime green Comic Sans MS right in front of his eyes.

"Hey," he repeats, testing this surreal and increasingly unnerving real-time narrative function of the scrolling column of text, before he becomes distracted at the fact that he can finally see what it is that lurks behind the words.

"Hey!" Dreamcatcher Kokopelli Foxglove exclaims, his eyes growing huge with stunned shock and amazed awe as he stares straight through the text, and straight through the increasingly transparent rectangular pane of pixels that lies just on the other side of that text, gazing beyond the edges of his own existence, and beyond the boundaries of the Parodyverse itself, into the world that has made his own world possible.

"HEY!!!" CrazySugarFreakBoy! shouts, gaping and pointing at the pane of pixels that has become his window into your world, just as it has long since been your window into his. "Hey, I can see you! I CAN SEE YOU!!!"

Because he can, you know. He can see you, right now, right this very second, as you're reading these exact words, because he was in the Nightmare Realms of the Parodyverse when Frightmare was defeated by Yo, and because Frightmare was wiped out, Dream and all of his fellow Parodyverse characters who happened to be occupying the Nightmare Realms at the time were shunted to the threshold of oblivion, which is why Dreamcatcher Kokopelli Foxglove, the CrazySugarFreakBoy!, whose Silly Suit has always granted him a rather unusual relationship with reality to begin with, is gawking at you with undisguised fascination, bursting into brief fits of giggles as he begins beaming at the sheer scope of his sanity-defying discovery.

"It's like looking into the Fifth Dimension," he whispers to himself breathlessly. But just as he's about to reach his hand through the insubstantial light of the scrolling column of text to press his fingertips directly against his side of the screen, he starts to feel himself slipping away, being pulled toward whatever new plot twist lies ahead in the story that he's made himself such an active participant in, and as much as he might wish it were otherwise, he knows he has to go now, to embark on his next great adventure.

"I'll see you again," he grins before fading away, leaving behind only a comical after-image of himself, eyes wide with wonder and lips smiling with a newly reaffirmed sense of absurd amusement, and as the scrolling column of text reaches its conclusion, you find yourself wondering whether or not he might actually make good on that promise.

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