Avengers Message Board Postings of Ian Watson

Visit the original place where these letters of comment appeared ar the Avengers Message Board


Some Early Comments

Continuity - the Comic Reader's Curse

On the Problems of Thor as an Avenger

Avengers Who Should Not Be Avengers

On the Death of Mockingbird

Favourite Jarvis Moments

Nebula: The Waste of a Perfectly Good Villain

Violence Against Women in Comics

The Greatest Avengers Comics Never Published

Doing Justice Justice

Do the Avengers Need To Be a Team?

Pro and Con the Avengers Crew

Immortus: the Long Term Plot Headache

The Avengers in the UK

Regarding Genis as Captain Marvel

The Vision's Loss

On the Sources for the Scarlet Witch

The Devil in the Marvel Universe

Some More Early Comments Why Justice and Firestar are Different

On Captain America and the Scarlet Witch in Avengers (vol 3) #14

Duane Freeman's Headache

Captain America Kills

"Retcon Control... We Have a Problem."

On the Beast's Character

Unsolved Mysteries of Firebird

Long Ramblings on the Sad Case of Doctor Druid

The Liefield Age

On the Difference Between The Avengers Reader and the X-Men Reader

Why the Avengers are Avengers

Why Iron Man is an Avenger

Why Thor is an Avenger

Why the Hulk was an Avenger

Why Hank Pym and the Wasp are Avengers

Why Captain America is an Avenger

Why Hawkeye is an Avenger

Why Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are Avengers

Why the Swordsman was an Avenger

Why Hercules is an Avenger

Why the Black Panther is an Avenger

Why the Vision is an Avenger

Attempts at Humour

Doc Samson's Problem Page

Famous Last Words