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Dancery/Finny Valentine's Special #8 was made by ag wants to play too! on 2/19/2003 at 7:43:04 AM.

Dancery/Finny Valentine's Special #8

“Hello. I am he who sits and reads. I am he who narates. I am he who gives you sevear fines if you turn in books late. I am….the Librarian! When we last left off, Dancer, spiffy, Yo, Visionary the weasal, some homeless guy..”
Readers: “dULL tHUD!”
Librarian: “Oh, right. And dull thud as well as a now turned fifteen year old Cressida, thuds tapeworm, all were trapped in the lush, pink, rose filled, heart shapped bed occupied, beautiful sex ship by SHAG.
While they reside trapped, a very stressed Fin Fang Foom and Ziles, just before they started to kiss and right after he revealed a tiny (hey, it IS Finny) part of his feelings to her, both got stranded in the UnHappy Place, about to be ravaged by small furry bunnys with pointed teeth.
Lisa, in the Happy Place, once turned into a attractive undersexed bunny, is now in the Happy Place as a undersexed Plant.
NTU-150 is trying to undo the mess ups cuased by his machines over at LOR condo while Al B. Harper is trying to undo the mess cuased by Dr. Mango and the Evil Fruit Produce at the LL mansion.
Various heroes, thanks to Dr. Mango, have been turned into gushy fifteen year old girls while Flapjack has turned his pants sticky. Ewww! I should’ve stayed on Earth RGA. YUCK!
Wang the Conqueror has traveled from the future and has now turned his Pregnancy Gun on the ‘girls’. By the way, the only way to turn back to normal is for them to get pregnant, so he’s in for a surprise!
The Cronicaler and the Shaper has seen all this and are trying to figure out what to do. Now, on with the story..”

It all reads like a Claremont X-Men gone mad as everyone takes time to stree privately about the situation:

Unhappy Place,
Finny: “Bad thing! Close to Ziles! Dirty thoughts! Mean bunnys! Out of Fetticheni!”
Ziles while kicking bad bunny away: “Uh oh, Andy’s looseing it!”

SHAG ship:
Dancer: “Why’d I start this mess again?”
Yo: “More friends to be doing cute mombo dance!”
thud: “Crikey! I can’ne be trapped ‘ere! I’ve got tickets to see Mark’s Love Rocket tonight!”
Cressida: “~That’s the problem! I don’t WANT to mate with a furn!~”
spiffy: “I don’t WANT to mate with a tapeworm!”
Visionary the weasal: “I don’t want to be a wet weasel!”

Happy Place:
Lisa the plant: “Ah poo!”

LL Mansion:
Hatgirl: “This is wrong! Whit is getting larger.. and so am I! Were going to give birth! And I cant find my Doctor cap!”
Sorceress: “Pregnant.. again? Wait, This is the first time, right? I need to reread those Untold Tales.”
GirlGirl: What will Stacy Gwen say?”
G-Eyelashed: “What will Lisette say?”
Chronique: “This really sucks!”
Nats: “My life is just getting more screwed up!”
CrazySurgarFreakGirl: “Gotta feel myself up before I’m back to normal!”
Falconne: “Dude..ette, you have issues!”
Trickskirt: “For the love of Clint! I cant be a girlie wuss! I’m a REAL MAN! @#$%^! WHAT THE H&LL IS GOING ON WITH MY TUMMY!”
Pegasus: “I’ll distroy you mortal from the future, as soon as I satisfy this craving for pickles ans ice cream!”
Flapjack: “Not before I get the lubercant!”
Wang: “Ha ha! My plan is working!”
Al B. Harper: “Oh crap! If my readings are right..”

LOR Condo:
NTU-150: “..then we’re about to get one heck of a Happy/UnHappy Place overload!

Suddenly, on the SHAG ship, the UnHappy Place, the Happy Place and the LL masion, people start popping out and in.

The Unhappy Place where a now normal Hatman, dull thud (with Cressida), Dancer, Nats, G-Eyed, Trickshot, Chronic, ManMan (with Knifie) and Lisa-Plant all look at the many evil bunnies.

The Happy Place, where the now normal CrazySurgarFreakBoy and Flapjack look at the many nice bunnies .

The SHAG ship, where spiffy, Yo and Vish the Weasel realise they are left alone.

LL Mansion, where a now normal and pissed Sorceress and Falcon glare at Wang.
Wang: “CRAP!”

To be continued?